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Personal and Community Safety Regulations

We are committed to keeping all members of our community safe.  


As we welcome visitors back during Covid-19, Charlotte's Quest  requires all park visitors and volunteers to follow CDC, State of Maryland and Carroll County Health Department recommendations for social distancing and personal safety, as they are outlined below.


We hope you'll continue to safely enjoy your time at our park. 


Please follow these guidelines for the safety of yourself and others.

Covid-19 Safety Regulations

  1. If you are not feeling well or are experiencing a fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea please stay at home.

  2. To reduce risk,

    1. Maintain social distancing of 6 feet apart. 

    2. Wear a mask when you are unable to social distance. Please have a mask available and wear it when you passing fellow park visitors on the trails. 

    3. Promote and maintain proper coughing, sneezing and sanitizing etiquette. Remember to always cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, with a tissue or your elbow.

    4. Properly sanitize your hands before and after touching shared surfaces, such as porta-potties and picnic tables. We are unable to provide hand sanitizer. Please bring and use your own wipes and/or hand sanitizer and use often.

    5. Properly dispose of used tissues or masks in the trash cans provided. 

  3. Please stay safely at home if you are considered “high risk.”  


Park Visitor Preparedness 

  1. Bring your own drinking water. (Our park does not have potable/drinking water available.)

  2. Wear protective clothing such as sturdy shoes, long sleeves, long pants, a head covering such as a brimmed hat, sunscreen and bug spray. It is the season for insects and poison ivy. Please be aware and cautious! Aim to avoid the hottest times of the day 10am-2pm if you can.

  3. Bring your own first aid kit, for scrapes, insect stings, etc. in case of an emergency call 911.

  4. If volunteering, bring your own tools such as: Gloves, clippers, hand trowels, loppers, etc.  If removing invasive species such as garlic mustard, please bring your own plastic grocery store bags. Please do not add your plastic bags to the compost heaps.  

During your visit, contact Manchester Parks Foundation at 410-374-3395 or with park-related concerns or questions.

In the case of an emergency, please call Manchester Police Department at 911 or 410-239-6900.

Charlotte's Quest logo with green tree and orange text

Charlotte's Quest Nature Center

3400 Wilhelm Lane

Manchester, MD 21102

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