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We thrive because of volunteers like you!

We would love to add you to our volunteer base! Please use the button below to sign up as a volunteer. You will need to create an account in order to sign up for a particular project and/or shift. If you would like to volunteer for something that is not currently on the calendar, please email to discuss.

Interested in Volunteering? Consider One of These Areas:

Park Stewardship

Stewardship volunteering includes maintaining hiking trails, removing invasive species, stream restoration, and general park maintenance. Adopt-an-Area opportunities available!


Work in the pollinator gardens, maintain and care for native plants, weed and trim trees, and plan or host gardening workshops and events.

Wildlife Conservation

Monitor blue bird houses, build and maintain birdhouses, monitor stream health.

Environmental Education

Lead nature hikes or educational programs, assist with school or scout group visits, develop educational materials, and help with nature-themed craft or activity days for kids.

Event and Program Assistance

Support seasonal events, staff registration or activity booths at events, help with setup and cleanup for events, and lead campfire programs or storytelling sessions.

Visitor Services and Hospitality

Greet visitors and provide information at the center, offer guided tours of the trails, manage parking during large events, and assist with facility rentals. 

Art and Design

Create educational or promotional signage, assist with nature-themed art projects or displays, help with outdoor art installations, and design flyers, posters, or brochures for programs and events.

Fire Pit Support

Lead fire safety demonstrations or programs, manage fire pit setup and cleanup for events, and host campfire programs.

Special Projects

Participate in citizen science projects, assist with facility construction or improvements, build and maintain nature center structures, and develop new programs or activities based on community needs. What are your ideas?

Calling All Scouts:

Host your meetings and events at Charlotte's Quest!

We love hosting Scouts in exchange for service projects.

Opportunities Include:

  • Orienteering Leaders

  • Nature Hike Leaders

  • Adopt an Area of the Park

  • And more!

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